Road trip to visit Kevin in Washington State
Four years since we saw Kevin, pandemic, airport congestion, and Suzanne's new telephoto lens -
all considerations leading up to the decision that it was time for a road trip to Washington State.
(A decrease in cognitive ability after age 75 might also have had something to do with deciding to drive that far.)
As wildlife photos were one goal, the route was designed to include
Custer State Park in SD and the Grand Teton National Park in WY along the way.
As Kevin's apartment is small, we rented an AirB&B house in Hoodsport WA for 4 nights
for the family reunion.
There was no camping along the way this trip - the ground has become harder in recent years,
totally attributable to global warming - no other reason!
We limited driving to an average of about 400 miles a day, starting early in the day and
checking in early to the motel.
This gave us a schedule allowing for an early dinner in a usually empty restaurant,
embracing the senior citizen stereotype and minimizing potential covid exposure.
There are lots of wildlife photos, many taken with Suzanne's Sony camera (no geo tags).
Other photos are from Rod's Motorola cell phone and Suzanne's Samsung cell phone,
which have geotagging (hint: use photo "info" for map locations).
Click here for road trip Google Photos album.
Last updated: 09/06/22