Road trip October 2019: Florida for NAWBO 2019 Conference

The 2019 NAWBO Conference was in Jacksonville, Florida. Suzanne had a booth there to sell her jewelry and NAWBO scarves, requiring transport of various boxes and booth construction materials. Her Honda CRV served for the bulk of the transport, leaving only the last few feet for her other beast of burden, who also served as backup driver and "gofer".

Weather on the whole trip was good - no hurricanes. We took our time driving, two nights on the road in each direction, where a more youthful version of the adventurers would have spent only one.

Rod's best food of the trip was at The Southern Grill , a restaurant across the St. Mary's River from the Hyatt Riverside conference venue. It was a nice walk, with outstanding view on a sunny day. It was also open on Sunday afternoon, not apparently a common feature for anything but a hotel in downtown Jacksonville. They theoretically serve something other than BBQ, but that was not subject to experimental verification on either of Rod's two visits in the 4 days we were in Jacksonville.

Honorable mention to Indochine for its Thai menu, with points for being close to the hotel.

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Click here for pictures from our trip.

Last updated: 10/20/19