The 2007 NAWBO convention was in Atlanta this year, so we drove down, stopping on the way at Asheville, NC for a day and spending some time in the Franklin, NC area looking in rock shops. After the convention, we drove to Louisiana to visit relatives and attend the Carr Family Reunion on June 9, 2007.

We traveled a short section of the Blue Ridge Parkway on the way into Asheville, NC. At one overlook, a couple of aging (also gray bearded) bikers asked Suzanne to take their picture by this sign. They then reciprocated.

Another overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

We took a short hike up to the top of one of the knobs along the Parkway. This tree looked interesting.

The Grove Arcade in downtown Asheville. An early mall.

View from the hotel room in Atlanta, looking Northwest. Centennial park on the left, aquarium in the center.

View from the hotel room in Atlanta, looking Southwest. Centennial park and the CNN building, among others.

CNN building from Centennial park. Seen from Rod's "Segway Tour of Atlanta".

After Atlanta, went NW and saw Little River Canyon National Park and Preserve. Not exactly the Grand Canyon.

In Scottsboro AL, the store that sells the unclaimed baggage from the airlines. Not on everybodys "must see" list.

The location for the Carr Family Reunion. On the banks of the Calcasieu River.

Typical reunion photo.